St. John’s Men’s Group traditionally meets Saturday mornings 8-9 am in the Parish office, except for the third Saturday of each month when the group meets for breakfast in a local diner.
Men’s Group meetings usually open with casual conversation about whatever comes up – personal, local, church-related, etc. (No politics!). All are welcome to join, and all conversation stays in the room. Weekly attendance is not required. In the second half of the hour we study a short excerpt from the Bible. Coffee is served, and the meetings end punctually at 9am. Questions? Click here to contact Paul Schwendener.
Men’s Spring Dinner
This year’s event in June was hosted by Lisa and Kirk at the rectory. It was a joyous occasion, following months of social distancing. Old-fashioned Texas BBQ and comfort food were the perfect complement to the good fellowship.
Men’s Dinner
Once a year, usually in early November, the men of St. John’s get together at an attractive e venue. Typically, 50-60 men attend the reception and dinner. We renew acquaintances and welcome new members. Sometimes, there will be a speaker from the congregation, or a guest speaker. Speakers in the past have included well-known authors, priests, business leaders, journalists and a former prison inmate who was cleared through DNA evidence.