Community Outreach
Many St. John’s members find that community outreach is an important and valuable component of their lives here. There are opportunities throughout the year to engage in meaningful outreach activities that build the parish community as well as offer assistance to those outside of our walls who may need it.
Read about a few of our on-going hands-on opportunities to work together to support both local and international ministries:
- Midnight Run: providing clothing, food, and fellowship for people who are homeless
- Bridges to Community Trip to the D.R.
- Beyond Our Walls
- Food Emergency Support: During the pandemic, providing food for families that qualify for free or reduced lunches through Mamaroneck High School. St. John’s was part of the coalition that filled and distributed over 10,000 bags of food from March-August 2020.
St. John’s also supports financially, through our annual budget managed by the Outreach Committee and through the efforts of our Episcopal Church Women (ECW), more than 25 outreach services, including Bridges to Community, Hope Community Services and the Hispanic Resource Center.
There are also other ways to serve the community outside of our walls. Please reach out to our rector, Rev. Lisa, for more information on how you or your family might get connected with a ministry opportunity.
It’s worth noting that St. John’s facilities – including the church hall and undercroft – are also used by community groups ranging from AA to a yoga group. That’s an important part of our view of inclusivity and building community!