St. John’s Episcopal Church is a vibrant and inclusive Christian congregation in the village of Larchmont, NY. We are dedicated to creating community both within and outside of our walls through worship, religious education, volunteering, philanthropy, and fellowship. These links will take you to The Episcopal Church pages on who we are and what we believe.
Visitors to churches often ask, “What do you believe?” We are diverse in our views, but our central focus is knowing God as God is revealed in Jesus of Nazareth. We learn about God in Christ through the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, through the tradition of the church, and through our human reason and experience.
As Episcopalians in the Anglican heritage, we do not pretend that there are simple answers to questions that have long burdened the mind of humankind—questions about who God is, why God allows suffering, and so many others—but we do say that we can know God, and learn about the character and the will of God through the life and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus teaches us to love God, ourselves, and one another. He calls us to turn away from the path of envy, resentment, violence, fear, and hatred to one of nonviolence, trust, and compassion. We come together as a church to support one another in becoming disciples of the way of life that Jesus shows us.
The Episcopal Church USA has promised to place the care of God’s Creation at the heart of our common life and has taken up church-wide action in order to safeguard the integrity of Creation and to sustain and renew the life of the Earth. Learn more about our shared call at
The Episcopal Church, which has parishes in 17 different countries, is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion family of churches. Within the Episcopal Church, we are a parish of the Diocese of New York, whose cathedral (central church) is the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan.