Our vestry – comprising the Rector, the senior warden, the junior warden and (up to) 12 members of the parish – plays an important role at St. John’s. As a group, the vestry determines the policies and goals of the congregation, while individual members often bring specific background or experience to their roles that is valuable in the administration of the parish. Chosen for three-year terms (two-year for wardens), vestry members are recommended by a nominating committee and confirmed by the parish at the annual church meeting in January.
The Executive Committee also meets monthly, and is comprised of the Rector, the two wardens, the clerk and the treasurer.
The current Vestry is listed below.
Senior Warden: Pete Bennitt
Junior Warden: Chris Plunkett
Clerk: Melany Gray
Treasurer: Frank Pierson
Christine Healey de Casanova
Kelly Chubet
Melany Gray
Taddy Hall
Russell Hall
Gus Harwood
Ollie Maggard
Trish Patterson
Adrienne Skinner
Kurt Weisenfluh
Matt Wrzesniewsky
Lisa Young