Music is an essential component of our worship at St. John’s. Members of the congregation join our adult and children’s choirs in making joyful music, as we together celebrate our faith and communal worship through the majestic words and melodies of the Episcopal Hymnal 1982.
Our Organist & Musical Director
Our organist and musical director is Dr. Matthew Lewis.
Adult Choir
The adult choir, directed by Dr. Matthew Lewis, sings Sundays at the 10 a.m. service from September through May as well as at all major Church holidays. Choir members are drawn from the St. John’s community, with support from professional section leaders. New volunteers are always welcome after a relaxed audition. Choir rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Click here for the current schedule. For more information, please contact Matthew or the parish office.
Children’s Choir
The ministry of the St. John’s Children’s Choir brings joy to the entire St. John’s community. The children learn to read music, sing from the heart and share in fellowship. The choir attends weekly rehearsals and sings in the Family Service the first Sunday of each month during the school year. Any and all St. John’s children and youth are welcome. The only requirement is a desire to sing! If a child is not sure or has any interest, they are welcome to come try any time.
Our Organ
St. John’s organ was built in 1967 by Austin Organs Inc. of Hartford, Conn. and grew from the personal contributions of parishioners over the years. Additions made by the Konzelman Organ Co. of Hoboken, N.J., include:
- The Vox Humana, given by members of the choir in memory of Ruth Taylor, director of music at St. John’s from 1964 to 1978.
- The Flute Harmonique and Soubasse, given in thanksgiving by choir member and long-time parishioner Josephine Wang.
- The Bassoon and the Trompette Harmonique, given by the Rev. Dorothy Anne Greene in memory of her husband, Jeffrey Alden Greene, and in commemoration of her ordination.
Music in the Manor
Click here to read more about our wonderful concert series.