Service groups within the church also provide fellowship opportunities, particularly for newcomers.
The Altar Guild prepares the altar for all worship services and cares for the vessels and linens used in liturgies. Members of the Altar Guild also decorate the church for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and other special occasions. A fuller description of the Altar Guild is found here.
Co-presidents: Mary Conway and Pat Melrose
Eucharistic ministers participate with the clergy in the liturgy, leading the Psalm and the Prayers of the People, and assisting in the distribution of Communion at every service.
Resources for Eucharistic Ministers:
- Brief Instructions for Eucharistic Ministers
- Introducing the Psalm or Canticle
- St. John’s Larchmont Eucharistic Ministry Instructions (pre-COVID)
- Preparing the Chalice & Glossary of Terms
Coordinators: Jmel Wilson & Wendy McFee
Lectors read the scripture lessons during the liturgy. There is a Pronunciation Guide available in the Sacristy (although if you say it with authority, it generally won’t matter if it’s correct!)
Resources for Lectors:
Coordinators: Jmel Wilson & Wendy McFee
The Adult Choir, directed by Dr. Matthew Lewis, sings Sundays at the 10 a.m. service from September through May as well as at all major Church holidays. Choir members are drawn from the St. John’s community, with support from professional section leaders. New volunteers are always welcome after a relaxed audition. Choir rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. For more information, please contact Matthew or the parish office.
Acolytes (2nd grade and older) play a key role in our services by carrying the processional cross, torches (large candles), the Gospel book, and the St. John’s banner on special occasions. They also assist the clergy with various tasks during the service. Training will be provided after the 10:00am service on a Sunday, and each student will be paired with a mentor acolyte for their assigned Sunday. Please reach out to Lori Wilson if you have questions or you have a child who is interested.
Ushers provide hosting services at 10 a.m. services, passing the collection plate and neatening up the church after the service. Click here to sign up online. Simple instructions are on the signup schedule.
Resources for Ushers:
Coordinator: Lisa Young
If you are interested in serving in any of these ministries or would like more information please call the parish office (914-834-2981) or contact us for more information.
Other members of the St. John’s community simply stand up to fill a need that their skills and services can address.