We believe you are loved. You matter. You make a difference.
We believe that everyone is made in God’s image and beloved of God.
We are committed to the active inclusion and flourishing of people of every gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, race, ability, educational experience, or age, and from any religious affiliation or background (or none).
We don’t think “having it all together” is a requisite of being in Christian community.
We’re learning that on our own, our efforts can’t fix or perfect us, but God’s love and power, and the strength that comes from being in a faith community, can transform us.
We believe that the church is not a building; it’s a community.
We are united as a community of ordinary, imperfect folks made holy through the power of God’s Spirit. Whether we gather to worship in person or online, each week we are reminded of our strong community bond as we renew our commitment to God and to each other.
We believe that Jesus is the fullest embodiment of God’s love.
We see true God and true humanity in the life, love, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus inaugurated a new kingdom on earth, and we are each called to continue to live and love as he did.
We believe that Jesus’ love is unstoppable.
When others attempted to silence his life of love, mercy, justice, and forgiveness, Jesus willingly gave up his earthly life on a cross so that the whole world would come to know the magnitude of God’s unconditional love for each and every one of us.
We believe that Jesus’s death and resurrection are signs of God’s boundless love for all that God has created.
In rising from the dead, Jesus proved that death is no longer fatal, and we are promised everlasting life.
We believe that every person is called to be an instrument and voice of change, love, and justice.
It’s not just about what we say, but what we do that matters, both as individuals and as a faith community.
We believe that while everything DOES NOT happen for a reason, God’s power is always with us.
We know from our lived experience that simplistic platitudes about life’s complexities are insufficient. We trust that no matter what we are facing, from our darkest moments to our most joyous, that God is right there with us. A favorite blessing we often share says:
Be present to today. Do not be anxious about what might happen tomorrow. The same God who cares for you today, will care for you tomorrow. God will either shield you from suffering or you will be given the unfailing strength to bear it, along with the love and support of our faith community. So be at peace then, and cast aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations. And the Blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with you this day and remain with you forever.
We can’t say it enough:
You are loved. You matter. You make a difference.